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Possibility of development of oral and tissues diseases in young men with constitutional nutrition insufficiency
Author's address:Главный военный клинический госпиталь им. Н.Н. Бурденко; городская поликлиника №129, Москва
Thorough examination of 114 young men of pre-constriction military training age disclosed that possibility of oral cavity pathology development is mainly determined by the indices DMFT, PMA, OHI-S and the following parameters of mixed saliva - basic salivary flow, pH and Lactobacillus and Streptococcus mutans amounts. The degree of these factors changes expressed in scores identifies groups of low, medium and high probability of stomatologic pathology development and basing on this to individualize curative and preventive measures.
Stomatologiia (Mosk) 2005;4:16-19
Efficacy of laryngeal mask use during anesthesia in cases of short-term operations in maxillofacial area
Author's address:Новосибирская государственная медицинская академия, Государственная Новосибирская областная клиническая больница
40 patients, with the pathology of maxillofacial area were investigated during the operation. The operation lasted 60.5+6.8 min. Combined intravenous anesthesia with propophol, phentanil, atracrium besylate was used for all patients. The utilization of a laryngeal mask (LM) for respiratory support was used in the first group (20 patients). An tracheal intubation (TI) was made in the second group (20 patients). In total myoplegia, the installation of LM was simple. Undesirable laryngo-pharyngeal reflexes were not noticed. The reaction of cardiovascular system while installating. LM was absent unlike TI. As for the gas exchange no difference was noticed in both groups (p>0.05). After the operation the patients of the first group recovered quicker than the patients of the second group (p<0.05). It is the result of reducing the amount of relaxants in the first group (p<0.05). Hence, anesthesia with LM may be regarded as alternative method of anesthesiological provision for a maxillofacial operations of short duration.
Experimental comparison of radiographic techniques in the detection of maxillary sinus disease.
* Ohba T,
* Ogawa Y,
* Hiromatsu T,
* Shinohara Y.
Kyushu Dental College, Kitakyushu, Japan.
The radiographic examination of the maxillary sinus is usually accomplished by the Waters' projection. However, some lesions, such as the mucous retention cyst, postoperative maxillary cyst and maxillary sinus carcinoma, as well as some lesions extending into the maxillary sinus, may be shown by panoramic radiography. The present study was conducted to confirm the ability of panoramic radiography in the detection of maxillary sinus disease. The representation of a globular radiopaque mass at different locations in the maxillary sinus of a dry skull was compared in Waters' and panoramic projections. A mass with a diameter of 10 mm situated on the posterior wall or floor of the maxillary sinus was shown better by panoramic radiography. The Waters' projection was less effective; the mass, especially on the floor of the sinus, was not clearly demonstrated due to superimposition of the maxillary molar teeth.
PMID: 2387471
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